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Is it possible automate to changing all colors in an image to random colors?


I'm trying to come up with a new image augmentation that changes colors like above automatically, but to everything not just the flower. The above is a photoshop example but I'd like to automatically switch all colors in the image to a different random color. Is this possible to create a function for this? There are augmentations like random convolution and random jitter, but those aren't quite what I want. I'd like to keep the saturations and values the same just change the color.

You can add a random 0 to 255 shift to each channel in BGR and take modulo 256.

In python it would look like:

shift = numpy.random.randint(256, size=(1,1,3))
color_shifted_img = img + shift
color_shifted_img = numpy.mod(color_shifted_img, 256)


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