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Target Connection is Stale ERROR in WSO2 EI 6.4.0

I'm trying to push incoming JSON payload to AWS SQS Queue in WSO2 EI 6.4.0. Facing Exception like java.io.IOException: Target Connection is stale intermittently.

We're unable to push payload to Queue.


    [2022-08-27 03:08:49,801] [-1] [] [HTTPS-Sender I/O dispatcher-5]  WARN {org.apache.synapse.transport.passthru.Targe
tHandler} -  Connection closed by target host while sending the request  Remote Address : proxy.abc.com/
[2022-08-27 03:08:49,801] [-1234] [] [PassThroughMessageProcessor-29] ERROR {org.apache.synapse.transport.passthru.P
assThroughHttpSSLSender} -  IO while building message                                                               
java.io.IOException: Target Connection is stale..

As per this wso2 link , do i need to disable this http.connection.stalecheck by making value as 1 in <ESB_Home>/repository/conf/nhttp.properties file?

Please suggest to resolve this issue.

The error java.io.IOException: Target Connection is stale is not the cause of your issue, it's just a by product of the actual issue. With the information provided I believe the actual issue is the following.

[2022-08-27 03:08:49,801] [-1] [] [HTTPS-Sender I/O dispatcher-5]  WARN {org.apache.synapse.transport.passthru.Targe
tHandler} -  Connection closed by target host while sending the request  Remote Address : proxy.abc.com/

Since the connection was closed by the target(Assume this is SQS) the collections are getting staled after some time. This is expected, so try to find out why the target is closing the connection. If you are going through a corporate Proxy, check the proxy first, then check SQS side to see whether there is any information useful to debug the issue.

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