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how to compare values of nested object inside a drool rule in java

I have a pojo like below:

class A{
 private List<B> b;
//getters and setters

class B{
private String group;
private String status;
//getters and setters

I have defined the Drool rule as:

import A;
rule "rule 1"
    ruleflow-group "status"
            a : A(b.( group == "ABC", status == "Approved"))
            System.out.println("------------Executing rule 1");

rule "rule 2"
    ruleflow-group "status"
        a :  A(b.( group == "XYZ", status == "Approved"))
        System.out.println("-----------Executing rule 2");

Considering all configurations are in place,when executing the rule, getting below error:

Caused by: org.mvel2.PropertyAccessException: [Error: unable to resolve method: java.util.ArrayList.group() [arglength=0]]

Can someone please help with the modification which I need to do in my rule file so that the nested values are compared.

You've not really described what your use case is, but given your attempt, this is what I interpret you want to do:

  1. Rule 1 should trigger if A contains at least 1 B which has group "ABC" and status "approved".
  2. Rule 2 should trigger if A contains at least 1 B which has group "XYZ" and status "approved".

I further presume the following:

  • Since you don't attempt to extract values or B instances, you don't actually care about the B beyond the fact that it exists.

Your rules would, therefore, look like this:

rule "Rule 1"
  A( $bList: b != null )
  exists( B( group == "ABC", status == "approved" ) from $bList )

rule "Rule 2"
  A( $bList: b != null )
  exists( B( group == "XYZ", status == "approved") from $bList )
  // ...

In both rules, the first thing we do is extract the sub-list of B's if it is not null. Then we check that there exists at least one B instance which meets your criteria. Since you don't actually do anything with this B instance, we can use the exists operation to simply check for its presence.

If you actually do need to do something with the B instance, you'd assign it to a variable rather than using exists :

rule "Rule 1 with captured B"
  A( $bList: b != null )
  $b: B(group == "ABC", status == "approved") from $bList
  // can reference $b here

Note that this version may trigger multiple times if there are multiple B present which meet your criteria.

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