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Can spring.messages.basename be an IP Address

The spring.messages.basename is set to an IP address like:


That is the IP of a spring cloud config server. When the app starts up, it's trying to send a request to that url but with all dots being replaced by slashes:

s.n.www.protocol.http.httpurlconnection  : ProxySelector Request for http://1/2/3/4:8888/messages.properties

As the IP address is messed up, the connection hangs and the app could not start up properly.

Debugging into the source code, this method org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.context.MessageSourceAutoConfiguration.ResourceBundleCondition#getResources is found being responsible for the corrupted IP.


Additionally, there is already a messageSource bean in the app configuration like:

@Bean(name = "messageSource")
public MessageSource messageSource(@Value("${spring.messages.basename:}") String basename) {

Hence, when configuring a timeout for that malformed URL request, the app can still start up successfully and with the proper message loaded.

So the questions are:

  1. Why is the MessageSourceAutoConfiguration trying to send a request for resources supposed to be in the classpath (That method is trying to get resources from classpath)?
  2. Should the MessageSourceAutoConfiguration load the message resource when there is already a bean created for that?
  3. How to disable the MessageSourceAutoConfiguration or get rid of the malformed IP request without having to put a timeout for it?
  4. Is it valid to set spring.messages.basename to an IP Address?

spring-boot version: 2.6.6 spring version: 5.3.18

Thank you in advance for you help.

You cannot specify a URL for spring.messages.basename . See this page where it says:

spring.messages.basename supports comma-separated list of locations, either a package qualifier or a resource resolved from the classpath root.

It is a resource name pointing to a file inside the classpath, not a URL.

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