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How to arrange the data in columns and rows by making a box?

I want to know, how to make a box in Golang that will contain multiple rows and columns like this

│ Name       │ Age │ Score  │
│ John Smith │ 30  │ 99.223 │
│ Jane Smith │ 30  │ 99.223 │

Although there is a library for it, that is called olog but it is not a good option for large datasets.

The second point is that it does not support arrays to be used in a struct like I have asked previously here . In this case, if I have many variables, not just name, age, and score, it will not allow me to write each variable in a struct using an array.

Is there any other library or a way to write the data in columns and rows?

You might try/test a more complete option with Evertras/bubble-table


It does not infer anything from any struct though, which means you need to loop over your own array, and call

// Note that there's nothing special about "ID" or "Name", these are completely
// arbitrary columns
columns := []table.Column{
  table.NewColumn(columnKeyID, "ID", 5),
  table.NewColumn(columnKeyName, "Name", 10),

// For each row:
rows := []table.Row{
  // This row contains both an ID and a name
    columnKeyID:          "abc",
    columnKeyName:        "Hello",

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