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Character stuck on a tile unity3d

I have no idea what to say, but I have this image which shows how the character is stuck, the character gets stuck when I try to jump couple times, character is not falling.

if I jump 1 more time, the character jumps and drops to the ground图片

Here is movement code (didn't want to paste it here cuz it is kind of big)

oh and btw this is 2.5d game, 2d in a 3d engine

Maybe you are stuck on a subpixel?

  • Check the colliders: Window->Analysis->Physics Debugger.
  • Check the x-coordinates of the blocks in each "tower".
  • Change from boxcollider to spherecollider (so you slip off of small edges?)

What about the "GroundCheck Transform"? I don't see why it's a separate transform, is it a child of the player?

try to add a box collider to the image..

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