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Is there a way to get Intel's integrated gpu usage using python on Windows?

I need to get gpu usage from intel's integrated gpu using python on Windows is there a way to pull this off?, i don't mind having to use modules.

As suggested in the third comment, you can extract information from Windows Power Shell with the subprocess python package.

import subprocess as sp

# raw strings avoid unicode encoding errors
gpu_mem_cmd = r'(((Get-Counter "\GPU Process Memory(*)\Local Usage").CounterSamples | where CookedValue).CookedValue | measure -sum).sum'
gpu_usage_cmd = r'(((Get-Counter "\GPU Engine(*engtype_3D)\Utilization Percentage").CounterSamples | where CookedValue).CookedValue | measure -sum).sum'

def run_command(command):
    val = sp.run(['powershell', '-Command', command], capture_output=True).stdout.decode("ascii")

    return float(val.strip().replace(',', '.'))

print(" GPU Info ".center(80, '='))
print(f"GPU Memory Usage: {round(run_command(gpu_mem_cmd)/1e6,1):<6} MB")
print(f"GPU Load :        {round(run_command(gpu_usage_cmd),2):<6} %")

The output should be:

=================================== GPU Info ===================================
GPU Memory Usage: 520.1  MB
GPU Load :        2.0 %

Each command is quite slow, every GPU information that you want to retrieve takes approximately 1.5s .

Hope this can be helpful for you:)

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