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How to connect the teradata connection details in python

I am trying to connect to Teradata using cx_Oracle in Python.

import cx_Oracle import psycopg2

connection = 'user/hostname/password' con = cx_Oracle.connect(connection)

getting the error: net service name is incorrectly specified

Teradata has its own driver, cx_Oracle is used to connect to Oracle databases. I think (I'm not sure, I don't have experience with Teradata databases, but this is what Teradata documentation states) that the driver you need is teradatasql: pip install teradatasql

This is how I connect to Teradata with Python

import sqlalchemy.engine import create_engine

engine_str = (f"teradatasql://{username}:{password}@{host}/")
pd.read_sql_query(query, engine_str)

sqlalchemy does, however, require you to have the teradata dialect installed as well.

pip install teradatasqlalchemy

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