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Unnest array / JSON in Bigquery - Get value from key

I have an array like this

 [{"name": "Nome da Empresa", "value": "Land ", "updated_at": "2022-09-02T22:30:58Z"}, {"name": "Nome do Representante", "value": "Thomas GT", "updated_at": "2022-09-02T22:30:58Z"}, {"name": "Email Representante", "value": "p@xyz.com", "updated_at": "2022-09-02T22:30:58Z"}, {"name": "Qual o plano do cliente?", "value": "Go", "updated_at": "2022-09-02T22:31:12Z"},{"name": "Forma de pagamento", "value": "Internet Banking", "updated_at": "2022-09-16T14:09:53Z"}, {"name": "Valor total da guia", "value": "227,63", "updated_at": "2022-09-16T14:09:59Z"}]

I'm trying to get values from some "fields" like Nome da Empresa or Email Representante .

I've already tried use json_extract_scalar or unnest . With json_extract_scalar returns column with no values (blank) and with unnest returns error Values referenced in UNNEST must be arrays. UNNEST contains expression of type STRING Values referenced in UNNEST must be arrays. UNNEST contains expression of type STRING

Query 1:


json_extract_scalar(fields,'$.Email Representante') as categorias,
json_value(fields,'$.Nome da Empresa') as teste

from mytable

Query 2:



from pipefy.cards_startup_pack, UNNEST(fields)

Any ideas? Thanks a lot!

You may try below query.

Query 1:
          FROM UNNEST(JSON_QUERY_ARRAY(t.fields)) f 
         WHERE JSON_VALUE(f, '$.name') = 'Nome da Empresa'
       ) AS teste,
       (SELECT JSON_VALUE(f, '$.value') 
          FROM UNNEST(JSON_QUERY_ARRAY(t.fields)) f 
         WHERE JSON_VALUE(f, '$.name') = 'Email Representante'
       ) AS categorias,       
  FROM mytable t;

# Query results
| teste | categorias |
| Land  | p@xyz.com  |
Query 2:
SELECT JSON_VALUE(f, '$.name') name, JSON_VALUE(f, '$.value') value
  FROM mytable, UNNEST(JSON_QUERY_ARRAY(fields)) f;

# Query results
|           name           |      value       |
| Nome da Empresa          | Land             |
| Nome do Representante    | Thomas GT        |
| Email Representante      | p@xyz.com        |
| Qual o plano do cliente? | Go               |
| Forma de pagamento       | Internet Banking |
| Valor total da guia      | "227,63"         |

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