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EF Core make group join list to object

I am trying to join a list into my object via linq. Following my linq query

var query = four.GroupJoin(this._context.Images,
                        product => product.Product.BaseProductId,
                        img => img.BaseProductId,
                        (join, images) => new
                        { join.Product, images })
                    .SelectMany(join => join.images.DefaultIfEmpty(),
                        (join, img) => new EnrichedProduct
                        { Product = join.Product, WebshopImages = img });

So my goal is to take the list of images as WebshopImages, but it is only a single object. How do I get the list?

Try this you will get a list of products and their images.

var _products = new List<Products>()
                new Products { ProductId=1, Name="Porsche"},
                new Products { ProductId=2, Name="Toyota"},
                new Products { ProductId=3, Name="GMC"},
                new Products { ProductId=4, Name="Dodge"}
    var _productImage = new List<ProductImage>()
                new ProductImage { ImageId=1, BaseProductId=1, ImageUrl="http://dummyimage.com/180x100.png/5fa2dd/ffffff" },
                new ProductImage { ImageId=2, BaseProductId=1, ImageUrl="http://dummyimage.com/167x100.png/dddddd/000000" },
                new ProductImage { ImageId=3, BaseProductId=2, ImageUrl="http://dummyimage.com/215x100.png/dddddd/000000" },
                new ProductImage { ImageId=2, BaseProductId=2, ImageUrl="http://dummyimage.com/215x100.png/dddddd/000000" },
                new ProductImage { ImageId=2, BaseProductId=2, ImageUrl="http://dummyimage.com/215x100.png/dddddd/000000" },
                new ProductImage { ImageId=4, BaseProductId=2, ImageUrl="http://dummyimage.com/215x100.png/dddddd/000000" }
    var GroupJoin = _products.
                       pro => pro.ProductId,
                       img => img.BaseProductId,
                       (pro, img) => new { pro, img }
    foreach (var item in GroupJoin)
        Console.WriteLine("product :" + item.pro.Name);
        foreach (var imgItem in item.img)
            Console.WriteLine("  Image ID : " + imgItem.ImageId + " , Image URL : " + imgItem.ImageUrl);


    product :Porsche
      Image ID : 1 , Image URL : http://dummyimage.com/180x100.png/5fa2dd/ffffff
      Image ID : 2 , Image URL : http://dummyimage.com/167x100.png/dddddd/000000
    product :Toyota
      Image ID : 3 , Image URL : http://dummyimage.com/215x100.png/dddddd/000000
      Image ID : 2 , Image URL : http://dummyimage.com/215x100.png/dddddd/000000
      Image ID : 2 , Image URL : http://dummyimage.com/215x100.png/dddddd/000000
      Image ID : 4 , Image URL : http://dummyimage.com/215x100.png/dddddd/000000
    product :GMC
    product :Dodge

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