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Python Playwright pagelocator pass variable

I made a script that downloads zip-files from a website. The script needs to locate the correct link and download the file.

I generated the script with codegen and it works, buth the filename is hardcoded.

I would like the script to find the correct link, without the date (filename = "2022-09-26_TEST.zip"). So the script needs to detect the file with TEST and download it.

I can't figure out how to do this. I already tried passing a variable, but it doesn't seem to work.

How can I pass a variable to the locator and let it search on a piece of the filename (contains)?

    with page.expect_download() as download_info:
        download = download_info.value
        download_filepath = os.path.join(download_path, suggested_filename)

      <a class="text-primary" href="./Exports.php?downloadId=10386">2022-09-26_TEST.zip</a>
    <td>2022-09-26 10:17:03</td>
    <td>2022-09-26 10:18:11</td>

Reading your question I understand that your problem is not the download itself, your problem is the way of clicking the link that you need.

From that moment, you have to options:

1 - You know the date (exact text):

date = "2022-09-26"
with page.expect_download() as download_info:
    download = download_info.value
    download_filepath = os.path.join(download_path, suggested_filename)

As you can see you can use f"..{}.." for your locator string in order to use some vars for the locator, basically a locator is a string.

Of course you should know the date before, in my example is hardcoded.

2 - You don't know the date (Contains text):

with page.expect_download() as download_info:
    download = download_info.value
    download_filepath = os.path.join(download_path, suggested_filename)

And being honest, I think the line page.wait_for_url("http://192.xx") is not needed. Playwright will wait for your download, actually you don't need to wait for the url, I think.

For my examples I used selector with Xpath.

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