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Google Sheets Data Validation has error that says "Input must fall within specified range" even though it does

I have a pretty complex google sheet, at least for me, that has 2 dependent dropdown menus. For some reason my second dropdown menu is returning an error.


I don't know why it's returning this error because that value DOES fall within the specified range.


As you can see the range has each of those values. Why would I be getting this error?

Below is a link to a copy of the google sheet I'm working on. I set it to viewer only so no one messes it up before you can look at it. Just make a copy of it and see if you can diagnose what I'm missing.


The format of your cell is wrong .
Change it from Plain text to Automatic


either the above or change MasterDataValidation!M1 to:

=INDEX(TRANSPOSE(IF('Legrabox Drawer Cutlist'!D6=FALSE,
 INDEX($A$11:$E$16,,MATCH('Legrabox Drawer Cutlist'!F6, $A$10:$E$10, )),
 INDEX($B$20:$E$24,,MATCH('Legrabox Drawer Cutlist'!F6, $B$19:$E$19, )))&""))



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