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Check number of Dates in Date Range that are sequential in c#?

I'm trying to create a function that returns the number of Dates in a Date Range that are sequential, starting on a specific date.


StartDate: 9/1/2022

Date Range: 9/1/2022, 9/2/2022, 9/3/2022, 9/4/2022, 9/7/2022

In this scenario the function I'm looking for would return 4.

Assume dates could be unordered and they can roll over into the next month, so with StartDate 9/29/2022:

9/29/2022, 9/30/2022, 10/1/2022, 10/4/2022 would return 3.

I know I can loop through the dates starting at the specific date and check the number of consecutive days, but I'm wondering if there's a clean way to do it with Linq.

This is the cleanest solution I can come up with...

var startDate = new DateTime(2022, 9, 1);

var days = new List<DateTime>()
    new(2022, 8, 28),
    new(2022, 9, 1),
    new(2022, 9, 2),
    new(2022, 9, 3),
    new(2022, 9, 4),
    new(2022, 9, 7)

var consecutiveDays = GetConsecutiveDays(startDate, days);

foreach (var day in consecutiveDays)


static IEnumerable<DateTime> GetConsecutiveDays(DateTime startDate, IEnumerable<DateTime> days)
    var wantedDate = startDate;
    foreach (var day in days.Where(d => d >= startDate).OrderBy(d => d))
        if (day == wantedDate)
            yield return day;
            wantedDate = wantedDate.AddDays(1);
            yield break;

Output is: 01.09.2022 0:00:00 02.09.2022 0:00:00 03.09.2022 0:00:00 04.09.2022 0:00:00

If you wanted the count, you can call.Count() on the result or just modify the method... Should be easy.

To count the number of consecutive dates in a given date range.

  1. first parse the dates from a string and order them in ascending order.
  2. Then, use the TakeWhile method to take a sequence of consecutive dates from the start of the list.
  3. Finally, count the number of elements in the returned sequence and display the result.
public class Program
    private static void Main(string[] args)
        var dateRange = "9/29/2022, 9/30/2022, 10/1/2022, 10/4/2022";
        var dates = dateRange
            .Split(", ")
            .Select(dateStr =>
                var dateData = dateStr.Split("/");
                var month = int.Parse(dateData[0]);
                var day = int.Parse(dateData[1]);
                var year = int.Parse(dateData[2]);
                return new DateTime(year, month, day);
            .OrderBy(x => x)

        var consecutiveDatesCounter = dates
            .TakeWhile((date, i) => i == 0 || dates[i - 1].AddDays(1) == date)


Output: 3

Demo: https://dotnetfiddle.net/tYdWvz

Using a loop would probably be the cleanest way to go. I would use something like the following:

List<DateTime> GetConsecutiveDates(IEnumerable<DateTime> range, DateTime startDate)
    var orderedRange = range.OrderBy(d => d).ToList();
    int startDateIndex = orderedRange.IndexOf(startDate);
    if (startDateIndex == -1) return null;

    var consecutiveDates = new List<DateTime> { orderedRange[startDateIndex] };
    for (int i = startDateIndex + 1; i < orderedRange.Count; i++)
        if (orderedRange[i] != orderedRange[i - 1].AddDays(1)) break;

    return consecutiveDates;

Yet another approach using a loop. (I agree with the others that said a loop would be cleaner than using Linq for this task.)

public static int NumConsecutiveDays(IEnumerable<DateTime> dates)
    var previous = DateTime.MinValue;
    var oneDay   = TimeSpan.FromDays(1);
    int result   = 0;

    foreach (var current in dates.OrderBy(d => d))
        if (current.Date - previous.Date == oneDay)

        previous = current;

    return result > 0 ? result + 1 : 0;  // Need to add 1 to result if it is not zero.
  var dates = new List<DateTime>() {new DateTime(2014,1,1), new DateTime(2014, 1, 2), new DateTime(2014, 1, 3) , new DateTime(2014, 1, 5), new DateTime(2014, 1, 6), new DateTime(2014, 1, 8) };

  var startDate = new DateTime(2014,1,2);

  var EarliestContiguousDates = dates.Where(x => x>=startDate).OrderBy(x => x)
    .Select((x, i) => new { date = x, RangeStartDate = x.AddDays(-i) })
    .TakeWhile(x => x.RangeStartDate == dates.Where(y => y >= startDate).Min()).Count();

You're either going to sort the dates and find sequential ones, or leave it unsorted and repeatedly iterate over the set looking for a match.

Here's the latter dumb approach, leaving it unsorted and using repeated calls to 'IndexOf`:

  public static int CountConsecutiveDays(DateTime startingFrom, List<DateTime> data) 
    int count = 0;
    int index = data.IndexOf(startingFrom);
    while(index != -1) {
      startingFrom = startingFrom.AddDays(1);
      index = data.IndexOf(startingFrom);
    return count;

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