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Disconnecting a Many to Many Relation in Prisma

So, I asked this question yesterday and a user on here was kind enough to point me in the right direction when using explicit many-to-many relations in Prisma.

From that accepted answer I was able to update the relation using the Connect API.

  where: {
    id: groupId,
  data: {
    users: { create: { user: { connect: { id: userId } } } },
  include: { users: true },

There was a slight issue with the implementation when connecting the relations in a loop, but I corrected that and made an edit to update the accepted answer with the correct code as shown below:

  where: {
    id: groupId,
  data: {
      users: {
        create: users.map((user) => ({
          user: { connect: { id: user.id } },
  include: { users: true },

What I can't seem to figure out now is how I do the reverse and 'disconnect' the relation in a similar way. I'd be grateful for some help on this.

I've tried something like the following that I thought might work:

  where: {
    id: groupId,
  data: {
      users: {
        delete: users.map((user) => ({
          user: { disconnect: { id: user.id } },
  include: { users: true },

With explicit many-to-many relation you can just delete from the table that represents the relation (ie UsersGroups in your case):

  where: { userId_groupId: { groupId: groupId, userId: userId } },

If you want to delete multiple users from a group:

  where: { groupId: groupId, userId: { in: users.map((user) => user.id) } },

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