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Get human readable Windows WiFi adapter name

The following code lists all WiFi adapters (see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/uwp/api/windows.devices.wifi.wifiadapter.findalladaptersasync?view=winrt-22621#windows-devices-wifi-wifiadapter-findalladaptersasync ):

var result = await Windows.Devices.Enumeration.DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(WiFiAdapter.GetDeviceSelector());
foreach (var adapter in result)
    System.Console.WriteLine("Adapter: " + adapter.Id + ", " + adapter.Name + ", " + adapter.ToString());

But the adapter.Id is some cryptic string and adapter.Name returns the Windows machine name. Is there a way to get a human readable representation of the WiFi adapter name?


    Console.WriteLine("Adapter: " + adapter.Id + ", " + adapter.Name + ", " + adapter.ToString()); 

Please Try Console.Writeline();?

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