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How execute system stored procedure sp_refreshview by using Linked Server

I need to execute sp_refreshview on the other database by using the created linked server.

For example, I have linked server Demo_LinkedServer . In the AdventureWorks database, I have created a table Demo_TBL and on top of the table, created a view named VW_Demo_TBL .

Now, I am in a database Demo_Database . How I could execute sp_refreshview in AdventureWorks by using linked server Demo_LinkedServer ?

First attempt:

exec Demo_LinkedServer.AdventureWorks.dbo.sp_refreshview N'dbo.VW_Demo_TBL'. 

I get the error:

Server 'Demo_LinkedServer' is not configured for RPC.

Second attempt:

FROM OPENQUERY(Demo_LinkedServer, 
               'EXEC sp_refreshview N''dbo.VW_Demo_TBL''')

Now I get this error:

Msg 11528, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sys.sp_describe_first_result_set, Line 1 [Batch Start Line 118]
The metadata could not be determined because statement 'EXEC %%TriggerEx(MultiName = @name).LockMatchID(ID = @objid, Exclusive = 1, NameSpaceClass = @ns)' in procedure 'sp_refreshsqlmodule_internal' does not support metadata discovery.

Did you change the RPC and RPC Out to True in the Linked server Options?


I finally found an easy way. The issue was that I needed to specify the @ViewName for calling the SP sp_refreshview.

EXEC AdventureWorks.dbo.sp_refreshview @ViewName=N'dbo.VW_Demo_TBL'

I hope this can help you.

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