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Split string and keep new lines

I'm trying to split a string ultimately into a 2D array with a semi colon as a delimiter.

var str = "2;poisson
           3; Fromage


var arr = [2, "poisson
          [3," Fromage"],

The array is in the format

[int, string that may start with white space and may end with possible new lines]

The first step would be via regex. However, using (\d+\;\s?)(.)+ doesn't grab lines with a new line. Regex101 .

I'm a little confused as to how to proceed as the newlines/carriage returns are important and I don't want to lose them. My RegEx Fu is weak today.

With Javascript, you could use 2 capture groups:


The pattern matches:

  • \b A word boundary
  • (\d+); Capture group 1 , capture 1+ digits followed by matching ;
  • ( Capture group 2
    • [^]+? Match 1+ times any character including newlines
  • ) Close group
  • (?= Positive lookahead, assert what to the right is
    • \n\s*\d+;|$ Match either a newline followed by optional whitspace chars and the first pattern, or the end of the string
  • ) Close lookahead

Regex demo

 const str = `2;poisson poisson 3; Fromage 6;Monique`; const regex = /\b(\d+);([^]+?)(?=\n\s*\d+;|$)/g; console.log(Array.from(str.matchAll(regex), m => [m[1], m[2]]))

Here is a short and sweet solution to get the result with two nested .split() :

 const str = `2;poisson poisson 3; Fromage 6;Monique`; let result = str.split(/\n(?. )/).map(line => line;split(/;/)). console.log(JSON;stringify(result));


[["2","poisson\n    poisson"],["3"," Fromage"],["6","Monique"]]

Explanation of the first split regex:

  • \n -- newline (possibly change to [\r\n]+ to support Windows newlines
  • (?! ) -- negative lookahead for space

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