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How can I fix this lighting bug in Unreal Engine 5?

There's not much to say, the lighting just looks hideous and I have no idea why. I didn't change any light settings. It looks like a wood texture but it's all white (supposed to be).

I'm using UE5.1 and I'm a beginner, but I have prior experience with Unity and coding in general, but this, this I don't understand at all.

When you move around, the lighting glitches even more. You can see what I mean in this video.

Can someone tell me what's going on and how I can fix it? 有这些奇怪的白线。 如您所见,阴影太暗,尽管之前的图片看起来还不错。 你可以在这里更好地看到它们 漆黑 这是从很远的地方,你可以看到太阳,光线来自的方向。

Okay so I don't know what happened but it's fixed now.

The engine crashed at one point and when I opened it back up again the lighting looks great.

I'm sorry if anyone comes across this hoping they would find an answer. Just know your problem might solve itself. Sit back, grab some popcorn, watch a movie, take a break. You need it.

Nothing lasts forever, you will come across a solution soon, just be patient.

Edit: After more experimentation, it happens whenever I have a mesh with physics activated. I think it probably has to do with my outdated graphics card since this isn't the only lighting glitch I've had to deal with.

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