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How to make a shell script that connects to a server and executes commands inside `screens`?

On Linux. I need to write a file containing a script.
My script should connect to a server, create a screen and execute a command. Several times automatically.

Pseudocode of the script:

ssh machine1
cd project_folder
screen -S screenA
python run.py -x
screen -S screenB
python run.py -y

ssh machine2
cd project_folder
screen -S screenA
python run.py -z
screen -S screenB
python run.py -t

ATM I can just connect and run each command manually.

Yes, thanks https://stackoverflow.com/users/9215267/siddharth-dushantha
And for the part of screen the code is

screen -dmS screen0
screen -ls
screen -r screen0 -p 0 -X stuff "the_command1^M"
screen -r screen0 -p 0 -X stuff "the_command2^M"

where ^M types enter at the end of the line.

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