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CakePHP: is there a way to convert snake case column names to camel case before sending the JSON response?

I am using a PostgreSQL database where the column names are in snake case, but want them converted to camel case before sending the JSON response. Is this possible in CakePHP?

I tried aliases in select but this breaks the associated records fetching.

For example. My current response is:

    "article_id": 1,
    "author_id": 1,

I would like it to be:

    "articleId": 1,
    "authorId": 1,

You are most likely looking for sth like https://fractal.thephpleague.com/ A transformer layer between data collecting and data rendering.

Look at this plugin: https://github.com/andrej-griniuk/cakephp-fractal-transformer-view If it is not maintained (I didnt check), you can always fork and maintain that one yourself.

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