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c# .net Core MVC customize text per customer and localization multi-tenant

I have a c# .net MVC site, and I have correctly setup localization with resource files to work.

I have the following files which change the content when the culture changes: HelpText.en.resx HelpText.fr.resx

I now have a scenario where a second customer wants to customize some of the text elements. What I thought I could achieve was something like the following:

HelpText.Cust1.en.resx HelpText.Cust1.fr.resx

When the text was not found in the Cust1 resx, it would default back to the original one.

This doesn't seem possible utilizing resx.

How else can I achieve this?

Using resources is not the best way to do so. Think about situations in which the client needs more changes to a view than just a text. (eg style,images,...). One proven technique is having a way to totally customize any view for a customer if needed (Else default view is shown). I have provided a way that I have been using for years in this post using customizing a RazorViewEngine .

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