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SQL (PostgreSQL) Pivot based on prefix in values

Hello guys (and girls),

I am trying to pivot some values based on a prefix (yes_) in the values of another column to counteract duplications in my master_id.

Original table:


Preferred outcome:


Thanks in advance!

Maybe you can do it using pure sql

  max(case when t.col1 like 'yes%' then t.id else tt.id end) as id_yes,
  max(case when t.col1 not like 'yes%' then t.id else tt.id end) as id_no,
  max(case when t.col1 like 'yes%' then t.col1 else tt.col1 end) as col1_yes,
  max(case when t.col1 not like 'yes%' then t.col1 else tt.col1 end) as col1_no,
  max(case when t.col1 like 'yes%' then t.another_value else tt.another_value end) as another_value_yes  
  max(case when t.col1 not like 'yes%' then t.another_value else tt.another_value end) as another_value_no
from your_table t
  left join your_table tt
    on t.master_id = tt.master_id
   and t.id <> tt.id
group by t.master_id

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