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Can I use atomics in an asynchronous context?

Is there a way to use atomic types in an asynchronous context instead of an asynchronous Mutex or RwLock ? Can standard atomics be used as is in an asynchronous context?

Or, for example, is there an asynchronous equivalent of std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize with load / store methods, which could replace something like tokio::sync::RwLock<usize> with read().await / write().await methods?

Yes, using Atomics in an async context is no problem.

Most of them are lock-free (=can't even block).

Even if you would block, it is still recommended to use normal, blocking synchronization primitives over async ones, unless you hold that lock during an await .

For more info I quote the respective chapter of the tokio tutorial :

On using std::sync::Mutex

Note, std::sync::Mutex and not tokio::sync::Mutex is used to guard the HashMap . A common error is to unconditionally use tokio::sync::Mutex from within async code. An async mutex is a mutex that is locked across calls to .await .

A synchronous mutex will block the current thread when waiting to acquire the lock. This, in turn, will block other tasks from processing. However, switching to tokio::sync::Mutex usually does not help as the asynchronous mutex uses a synchronous mutex internally.

As a rule of thumb, using a synchronous mutex from within asynchronous code is fine as long as contention remains low and the lock is not held across calls to .await . Additionally, consider using parking_lot::Mutex as a faster alternative to std::sync::Mutex .

Note that this is of course only true if all the threads accessing said lock/atomic are also async worker threads. If you have external threads that could block the mutex, you have to consider waiting for that mutex a blocking operation and treat it as such.

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