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Product Latest View return empty array

I want to display the recently viewed products in the details page. I created a table:

    Schema::create('recently_viewed_products', function (Blueprint $table) {

In my IndexController:

    public function ProductDetails($id){   //display the product page detail
        $product = Product::findOrFail($id);
        $multiImg = MultiImg::where('product_id',$id)->get();

            // Set Session for Recentlty Views Products
                $session_id = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
            } else {
                $session_id = Session::get('session_id');

            // Insert product in table if not already exists
            $countRecentlyViewedProducts = DB::table('recently_viewed_products')
             //Get Recently Views Prodcuts Ids
             $recentProductIds = Db::table('recently_viewed_products')->select('product_id')
             //Get Recently Views Prodcuts
             $recentlyViewedProducts = Product::whereIn('id',$recentProductIds)->get()->toArray();

        retur nview('frontend.product.product_details',compact('product','multiImg','recentlyViewedProducts','recentProductIds'));
    } // end method

If if click on a product i get the product id and sessionid in the recentlyviewed products table, but im not able to display in the product details page. I just get an empty array.

I guess the problem is with whereIn:

$recentlyViewedProducts = Product::whereIn('id',$recentProductIds)->get()->toArray();

I try to display the products i have clicked on the products details page

//Get Recently Views Prodcuts Ids
             $recentProductIds = Db::table('recently_viewed_products')->select('product_id')

The letter b in DB is in lowercase you should change it to uppercase

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