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Limit or throttle running threads in C++ Linux

I am using Pagmo, a C+ API for my optimization problem. Pagmo launches a new thread when a new optimization is launched, via invocation of island.evolve(). MY point is that I don't have fine-grained control here over the type of thread that's launched "under the hood" of Pagmo. I can query Pagmo threads on their status - as to whether they've completed their run. I have a machine with 28 physical cores and I'm thinking that the optimum number of my running threads would be on the order of 28. Right now, my code just dumps the whole lot of threads onto the machine and that's substantially more than the number of cores - and hence, likely very inefficient. I'm thinking of using a std::counting_semaphore (C++ 20) and setting the counter to 28. each time I launch a thread in Pagmo, I would decrement the semaphore counter. When it hits 0, the remaining threads would block and wait in the queue until the counter was incremented. I'm thinking I could run a loop which queried the Pagmo threads as to their statuses and increment the std::counting_semaphore's counter each time a thread went idle (meaning its task was completed). Of course, the Pagmo threads are ultimately joined. Each time the counter goes above 0, a new thread is allowed to start - so I believe. My questions are:

  1. is the the best practice as to how to limit/throttle the number of running threads using modern C++?
  2. Is there a better way I haven't thought of?
  3. Is there a way to query Linux in real time, as to the number of running threads? Thanks in advance! Phil

I had tried a simple loop to launch and throttle theads creation but it didn't prove to work well and threads were launched too quickly.

First of all, your post could use some editing and even perhaps provide a code snippet that would help us understand the problem more. Right now I'm only going through the documentation based on a wild guess of what you are doing there.

I've quickly checked what Pagmo is about and I would at first advise to be careful when limiting any library that is designed for parallel computation, from outside of the library.

I will try to answer your questions:

  1. I do not think that this is the best way to throttle threads created by an external library
  2. Yes, first of all I've checked the Pagmo API documentation and if I understand you correctly you are using an island class - based on what they state in their documentation the default class that inherits island and is constructed by the default ctor is thread_island (at least on non-POSIX systems - which may not be your case). However thread_island can be constructed via the thread_island(bool use_pool) ctor which indicates that you can specify to these island classes a common thread pool which they can use. And if it is done for non-POSIX systems, it is most likely done for POSIX systems as well. So if you wish to limit the number of threads I would do this via a thread pool.
  3. You can limit the maximum number of threads running on linux via /proc/sys/kernel/threads-max , you can also instruct a Linux system to treat some processes with less importance via niceness

Hope it helps!

EDIT: As a foot note I will also mention that the documentation actually encourages the use of thread_island even on POSIX systems. See this link here

EDIT2: In case that you must use fork_island due to their mentioned issues when thread_safety cannot be guaranteed. Then another option would be to limit available resources via setrlimit see this link right here - you are interested in setting RLIMIT_NPROC

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