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json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting property name enclosed in double quotes

I have the following string that I am trying to convert into a dictionary in python:

   data =  "{'ABC - 1 check NEW_PAGE': 'red', 'CDE - 2 checks SQL_DATA': 'black', 'The temporary file generated contains the following errors : ['20235874;172426;admin_AB_34;S_DEB;100;FC_SUCCESS_F']': 'red'}"

What I am trying to use in python is the following lines of code:

data = data.replace("'", "\"")
data = json.loads(data)

I get the following error:

json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting ':' delimiter: line 1 column 187 (char 186)

Could someone help me with a solution? It would really be appreciated

You're escaping ' , but it is not necessary when is between " :

data = data.replace("'", "\"")
data = json.loads(data)

But you'll probably hit another issue with the end of the data string "'The temporary file generated contains the following errors: ['20235874;172426;admin_AB_34;S_DEB;100;FC_SUCCESS_F']'; 'red'" . Which seems to be invalid json string.

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