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Pass a constexpr char[] var to template param of struct and then use fmt to output will throw an exception?

example code

template<const char* str>
class MyStruct
    void Print()
        cout << fmt::format("{}", str);

constexpr char szTest[] = "hello";

int main()
    MyStruct<szTest> info;
    return 0;

In practice, This code throws an exception in function 'basic_string_view(const Char* s)', I tried to replace constexpr with const, and then everything is ok. Does anyone know why?

I want to know why constexpr cannot be used here, Is that the rule or a bug?

More Info:

OS: Windows

IDE: vs2019 (16.11.18)

C++ Language Standard: C++20

Fmt version: 9.1.0 (The same problem exists with std::format)

szTest is a valid template non type argument for a parameter of type const char* and the program is well-formed.

Is that the rule or a bug?

Yes, this seems to be a msvc linker bug . Both gcc and clang execute the program without any problem.

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