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How do I make this into Dart? Dart & Flutter

I want to compare UserInput with normalList,protanList and deutanList

but I dont know how to turn this in dart language (I'm still new at this)

This is the list that I do not know how to make it into code: -

this is what I attempt to do with the list, is this correct????

List<CheckResult> checkNormal() {   
List<CheckResult> normalList = [];    normalList.add(CheckResult("1", "12"));   normalList.add(CheckResult("2", "8"));   normalList.add(CheckResult("3", "6"));   normalList.add(CheckResult("6", "5"));   normalList.add(CheckResult("12", "97"));   ... }

This is what I attempt to do for the result

  if(userInput == normalList){ 
   result = "You are Normal" 
  } else if (userInput == protanList) { 
   result= "You are Protan Deficiency" 
  } else {
  result = "You are Deutan Deficiency"

To check item if contains on list, you can use myList.contains(value)

    result = "You are Normal" 
  } else if (protanList.contains(userInput)) { 
    result= "You are Protan Deficiency" 
  } else {
    result = "You are Deutan Deficiency"

More about List

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