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Secret management with terraform cdk

In the past I've used Pulumi which offers a secrets management solution that allows stack based secrets to be checked into git while being encrypted.

I've been looking for a similar solution with Terraform CDK and haven't found one. Does Terraform CDK offer a similar solution so that I don't have to expose my stack based secrets (like mongoPassword in the Pulumi example above)?

Unlike Pulumi, all secrets in terraform are stored in your state in plaintext. There's an issue that's been open for 8 years (at the time of writing this answer): https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/issues/516

There's also a Gruntworks post on best practice, which specifically states that the secrets aren't encrypted: https://blog.gruntwork.io/a-comprehensive-guide-to-managing-secrets-in-your-terraform-code-1d586955ace1 (relevant bit about the state is here: https://blog.gruntwork.io/a-comprehensive-guide-to-managing-secrets-in-your-terraform-code-1d586955ace1#c49b )

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