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How to define an TypeScript object where an key should be available and the value should be a string or null?

I want to define a type in TypeScript, which among other keys has the key "description". The key should not be optional, the associated value should be allowed to be a string or null.

I tried to define my type like this:

type Form = {
    id: string
    name: string
    description: string | null

Unfortunately, ESLint returns me this message:

Usage of "null" is deprecated except when describing legacy APIs; use "undefined" instead

If I declare description as undefined, but also the key becomes optional or not?

How to define the type so that this object is OK

const questions: Form = {
    id: 'q1',
    name: 'Test',
    description: null

but not this one:

const questions: Form = {
    id: 'q1',
    name: 'Test'

and also not this one:

const questions: Form = {
    id: 'q1'

Your typings are correct. It's ESlint that's giving the error. You can make ESLint happy by using undefined

type Form = {
    id: string
    name: string
    description: string | undefined

const questions1: Form = {
    id: 'q1',
    name: 'Test',
    description: undefined

// Will have an error
const questions2: Form = {
    id: 'q1',
    name: 'Test'

// Will have an error
const questions3: Form = {
    id: 'q1'

Note that defining a type for a field like description: string | undefined description: string | undefined doesn't make it optional but description?: string does

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