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How to use multiprocessing Pool when evaluating many images using scikit-learn pipeline?

I used a GridSearchCV pipeline for training several different image classifiers in scikit-learn. In the pipeline I used two stages, scaler and classifier . The training run successfully, and this is what turned out to be the best hyper-parameter setting:

Pipeline(steps=[('scaler', MinMaxScaler()),
                 ExtraTreesClassifier(criterion='log_loss', max_depth=30,
                                      min_samples_leaf=5, min_samples_split=7,
                                      n_estimators=50, random_state=42))],

Now I want to use this trained pipeline to test it on a lot of images. Therefore, I'm reading my test images from disk (150x150px) and store them in a hdf5 file, where each image is represented as a row vector (150*150=22500px), and all images are stacked upon each other in an np.array :

X_test.shape -> (n_imgs,22500)

Then I'm predicting the labels y_preds with

y_preds = model.predict(X_test)

So far, so good, as long as I'm only predicting some images.

But when n_imgs is growing (eg 1 Mio images), it doesn't fit into memory anymore. So I was googling around and found some solutions, that unfortunately didn't work.

I'm currently trying to use multiprocessing.pool.Pool . Now my problem: I want to call multiprocessing's Pool.map() , like so:

n_cores = 10
with Pool(n_cores) as pool:
    results = pool.map(model.predict, X_test, chunksize=22500)

but suddenly all workers say:


without further details, no matter what chunksize I use.

So I tried to reshape X_test so that each image is represented blockwise next to each other:

X_reshaped = np.reshape(X_test,(n_imgs,150,150))

now chunksize picks out whole images, but as my model has been trained on 1x22500 arrays, not quadratic ones, I get the error:

ValueError: X_test has 150 features, but MinMaxScaler is expecting 22500 features as input.

I'd need to reshape the images back to 1x22500 before predict runs on the chunks. But I'd need a function with several inputs, which pool.map() doesn't allow (it only takes 1 argument for the given function).

So I followed Jason Brownlee's post: Multiprocessing Pool map() Multiple Arguments

and packed several variables into a tuple, which I then unpacked in a wrapper function, before calling model.predict() :

n_imgs = X_test.shape[0]

X_reshaped = np.reshape(X_test,(n_imgs,150,150)) # reshape each row to 150x150px images

input_tuple = (model,X_reshaped) # pack model and data into a tuple as input for the wrapper

with Pool(n_cores) as pool:
    results = pool.map(predict_wrapper, input_tuple, chunksize=22500)

and the wrapper function:

def predict_wrapper(input_tuple):

    model, X = input_tuple # unpack the input tuple

    n_imgs = X.shape[0]
    X_mod = np.reshape(X,(n_imgs,150*150)) # reshape back

    y_preds = model.predict(X_mod)

    return y_preds

But: input_tuple doesn't get unpacked correctly in the wrapper function:


As you can see: instead of assigning model to model and X_test to X , it splits my pipeline and assigns the scaler to model and the classifier to X .

So, long story short:

does anybody have a solution how I can use my trained scikit-learn pipeline and do prediction on a plethora of images? I'm not bound to use multiprocessing.pool.Pool , but I didn't find any other solution so far...

Many thanks in advance!

When you call pool.map() on a numpy array, the array is broken up along its first dimension.

So if you called pool.map(my_func, X_test) , this will cause my_func to be called n_imag times, each with a 1-dimensional array of size 22500.

You have already mentioned that X_test is too big to fit into memory. It might make sense to have each subprocess read a range of images on its own from the database, process those, and send you back the results, rather than you sending the images to it.

def process_image_ranges(image_range):
    start, end = image_range
    # read images start [include] to end (exclusive) and process them

if __name__ == '__main__':
    image_count = 1_000_000 # or whatever the count is
    image_batching = 1024 # or whatever you want your batch size to be
    image_ranges = [(i, min(i + image_batching, image_count)) 
                    for i in range(0, image_count, image_batching)]
    with mp.Pool() as pool:
        result = pool.map(process_image_ranges, image_ranges)


Ok, now I finally got this working! Thanks to Frank Yellin 's answer here I realized that my problem seemed to be the chunksize I explicitly passed. I thought that by doing so I could force pool.map() to take a certain number of images per chunk, but it behaved differently and complained about the wrong dimensions of the given chunks.

But inspired by Frank's answer I rather defined the chunks before the call to pool.map() and then passed the chunks to it. Now the images are passed chunkwise to the single workers.

Seems I could not see the forest for the trees...

So in the end it looks like this:

from multiprocessing import Pool

import h5py
import joblib
import numpy as np

def main_prediction_batch():

    # --- load model ---
    model_URL = "<path to model.pkl>"
    with open(model_URL, 'rb') as model_file:
        model = joblib.load(model_file)

    # --- load image and label file ---
    hdf5_file_URL = "<path to hdf5 file with images and labels.hdf5>"
    with h5py.File(hdf5_file_URL, mode='r') as hdf5_file:
        X_test = hdf5_file["Images"][:] # 👉️ (n_imgs, 150*150)
        y_test = hdf5_file["Labels"].asstr()[:] # 👉️ (n_imgs,)

    n_imgs = X_test.shape[0]

    n_cores = 10

    image_batching = 10000  # or whatever you want your batch size to be
                            # doesn't have to be a multiple of n_cores!
    chunk_ranges = [(i, min(i + image_batching, n_imgs)) 
                    for i in range(0, n_imgs, image_batching)]

    # define chunks of several images
    chunks = [
        (X_test[chunk_ranges[i][0]:chunk_ranges[i][1], :])
        for i in range(len(chunk_ranges))

    with Pool(n_cores) as pool:
        results = pool.map(model.predict, chunks)

    # stack the predictions to get a final row vector
    y_preds = np.hstack(results) # can now be compared with y_test

    return y_preds

# --------------------------
#           MAIN
# --------------------------
if __name__ == '__main__':
    y_preds = main_prediction_batch()

When I now look at it... it was complicated to describe but the final solution was quite simple... thanks a lot for enlightening me!

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