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Is there a better way to invoke a table-producing function other than calling `val` all the times?

I'm calling a function from the database, named some_table_generating_function for the sake of simplicity, in order to cast the query into a select statement returning Field<Array<UUID>> , it forces me to use the val function of the DSL, and it creates a lot of boilerplate for doing a simple function invocation.

The following example works, but it seems to be overusing the val function, do you have any suggestions to cleanse this piece of code?

      // fields to be selected
          // the important bit: uuid[] parameter expected for this parameter
                // additional conditions
          ) as Field<Array<UUID>>
    // additional conditions

Background on the availability of convenience overloads

jOOQ's API can't overload all possible combinations of Tn vs Field<Tn> for larger numbers of n where n is the number of function parameters. For example:

  • 1 parameter = 2 overloads ( f(T1) and f(F<T1>)
  • 2 parameters = 4 overloads ( f(T1, T2) , f(T1, F<T2>) , f(F<T1>, T2) , f(F<T1>, F<T2>)
  • 3 parameters = 8 overloads
  • n parameters = 2^n overloads

While the DSL API often provides complete overloads for 2 parameters, it stops at 3 parameters, offering only 2 overloads in total:

  • An overload accepting only bind values
  • An overload accepting only expressions

It is the same with convenience overloads of generated user defined functions.

Possibility of a more verbose call syntax

Ordinary routines support both the convenience syntax and a more verbose call syntax:

// Convenience call
Routines.ordinaryRoutine(1, 2)

// Verbose way to call the routine, equivalent to the above
val r = OrdinaryRoutine()
r.param1 = 1
r.param2 = 2

This currently isn't available for table valued functions, which only know the "convenience syntax". Might be worth looking into generating alternatives to calling table valued functions:


  • You could create an auxiliary function that calls your function but accepts the first set of parameters in the form of a UDT ( CREATE TYPE ), so you have to wrap the single UDT argument in DSL.val() only a single time. This doesn't scale too well in terms of function API design, but it works around this problem
  • You could use plain SQL templating for the function call ( from("f(?, ?, ... {0})", someString.capitalise(), someInt, ..., field(...)) ), since you're already using a plain SQL template. This won't be type safe, though.
  • You could extend the JavaGenerator to generate an extra overload for your specific case

Personally, I don't find any of these workarounds very practical. Since you probably don't have this case very often, I'd stick with the original call using explicit val calls

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