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Pupperteer-sharp Get innerText of Clicked element

How do I get the inner text of an element that has been click?

string xplast = "//button[@id='test']";
IElementHandle last = await ((IPage)page).WaitForXPathAsync(xplast);
await last.FocusAsync();
await last.ClickAsync();
string innertext = (await last.GetInnerTextFromElement()).ToString()

is there a way to do something like this? string innertext = (await last.GetInnerTextFromElement()).ToString()

I have now tested that var text = (await last.GetPropertyAsync("innerText")).RemoteObject.Value.ToString(); works fine, at least here on Windows.

If you'd prefer a strongly typed experience then PuppeteerSharp.Dom provides a set of extensions to PuppeteerSharp .

Install PuppeteerSharp.Dom from Nuget.org then you can use the strongly typed extensions.

// Add using PuppeteerSharp.Dom; to access WaitForXPathAsync<T>

string xplast = "//button[@id='test']";
var last = await page.WaitForXPathAsync<HtmlButtonElement>(xplast);
await last.FocusAsync();
await last.ClickAsync();
var innerText = await last.GetInnerTextAsync();

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