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Python permutations skipping duplicates

My problem is: I have a list of values

model = ["AT","V","AP","RH"]

and I want to generate their permutations without duplicates.

A permutation in this case for me is eg


without duplicates in this case means, the order doesn't matter for me

["AT","V"] == ["V","AT"] is the same for me
["AT","V","AP","RH"] == ["RH","AT","V","AP"] == ["AP","RH","AT","V"] is the same for me

Any idea how I can reach my goal a smart way?

I found some solutions eg itertools.permutations but it didn't actually work for me as it doesn't consider my wish to ignore "duplicates"

You can use itertools.chain.from_iterable with itertools.combinations . itertools.combinations will generate all combinations of a given size. To get all the desired combinations, we iterate over all possible sizes. Then, we use itertools.chain.from_iterable , which will collect all of the combinations into one flattened iterable:

list(chain.from_iterable(combinations(model, i) for i in range(1, len(model) + 1)))

This outputs:

[('AT',), ('V',), ('AP',), ('RH',),
('AT', 'AP', 'RH'), ('V', 'AP', 'RH'), ('AT', 'V', 'AP', 'RH')]
from more_itertools import powerset


 ('AT', 'V'),
 ('AT', 'AP'),
 ('AT', 'RH'),
 ('V', 'AP'),
 ('V', 'RH'),
 ('AP', 'RH'),
 ('AT', 'V', 'AP'),
 ('AT', 'V', 'RH'),
 ('AT', 'AP', 'RH'),
 ('V', 'AP', 'RH'),
 ('AT', 'V', 'AP', 'RH')]

[list(x) for x in powerset(["AT","V","AP","RH"])][1:]  # omitting the blank value

 ['AT', 'V'],
 ['AT', 'AP'],
 ['AT', 'RH'],
 ['V', 'AP'],
 ['V', 'RH'],
 ['AP', 'RH'],
 ['AT', 'V', 'AP'],
 ['AT', 'V', 'RH'],
 ['AT', 'AP', 'RH'],
 ['V', 'AP', 'RH'],
 ['AT', 'V', 'AP', 'RH']]

I think you want itertools.combinations instead of itertools.permutations .

permutations(p[, r])
  r-length tuples, all possible orderings, no repeated elements

combinations(p, r)
  r-length tuples, in sorted order, no repeated elements

Here is an example:

import itertools

def combos(elements):
    return [
        for i in range(len(elements))
        for combo in itertools.combinations(elements, i + 1)

model = ["AT", "V", "AP", "RH"]


# [('AT',),
#  ('V',),
#  ('AP',),
#  ('RH',),
#  ('AT', 'V'),
#  ('AT', 'AP'),
#  ('AT', 'RH'),
#  ('V', 'AP'),
#  ('V', 'RH'),
#  ('AP', 'RH'),
#  ('AT', 'V', 'AP'),
#  ('AT', 'V', 'RH'),
#  ('AT', 'AP', 'RH'),
#  ('V', 'AP', 'RH'),
#  ('AT', 'V', 'AP', 'RH')]


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