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How to create exe of project who has .cxx .py file and many dlls

I have a code who is depended on Qt, PyQt, VTK, ITK, libs. using CMAKE to build Environment: Windows I want to distribute EXE who has cxx, py files and related dlls

I have tried to compile and got executable but my python files are remaining necked. I don't want to share python files as a script.

how we can make those python files as a dlls

python is often a hard language to turn to exe but the best way to do so is using the pyinstaller package. Installed by pip install pyinstaller and can turn a .py file to a .exe by pyinstaller --onefile FILENAME.py in CMD . After that your exe file should be stored in a folder called disk . The other files can just be included in the same file as the exe.

docs: https://pyinstaller.org/en/stable/

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