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Compiling an IronPython WPF project to exe: Missing dlls

I want to compile my IronPython WPF based app into a .exe file. I looked up the net for solutions and found this on SO:

Compiling an IronPython WPF project to exe .

I found this modified pyc.py file better than the original as I do not have to pass the names of all the files in the project to pyc at the command line. When I run this, I get a dll and an executable. I also included the other dll files mentioned on the above discussion, like IronPython.dll. There is only one problem. I have the following at the top of my main file code:

import wpf

from System.Windows import MessageBox, Application, Window

The app runs fine on VS2010 but the executable seems not to be able to find any dll named wpf or Window. I have this file called IronPython.Wpf.dll which I included in the folder but that does not seem to work. What dll am I missing here? Or is there any other way I can solve my problem?

You should add

import clr

And make sure you put IronPython.Wpf.dll , from the IronPython's install directory in the same directory as your main script.

I'm still getting an Exception related with STA Threads, but that's for other question.

Edit: Look at this for the STA error

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