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Cannot invoke "PacienteService.findById(java.lang.Integer)" because "this.service" is null

I'm trying test a RestAPI in Java, but I can't mock my Service class

When start test, it gives me an error: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "com.tcc.tccbackend.services.PacienteService.findById(java.lang.Integer)" because "this.service" is null .


public class PacienteTest extends BaseTest {

    private PacienteService service;

    private MockMvc mockMvc;

    public void setup() {

    @DisplayName("Retorna sucesso quando busca um paciente ")
    public void t4() {
                .thenReturn(new Paciente(9999, "Gilberson", "gilber@gmail.com", "68211836104", "(67) 99625-5371", new Date(), List.of()));
                .header("Authorization", getJWT())


public class BaseTest {
    public BaseTest(){
        baseURI = "http://localhost";
        port = 8080;
        basePath = "/api";

    public static String getJWT() {
        return given()
                .body("{\n" + "\t\"email\": \"paula@gmail.com\",\n" + "\t\"senha\": \"senha\"\n" + "}")


  • Java 17
  • RestAssured 5.3.0
  • SpringBoot 2.7.0
  • SpringBoot Starter Test 2.7.0
  • Junit 4.13.2

Your mixing up unit test and integration test config.

Annotations for unit tests look like this:

class MyTest {

    private ServiceA myMock;

    private ServiceB mySpy;

    private ServiceC myClassUnderTest;

    void receive() {
         // test logic


Annotations for integration tests look like this:

class MyTest {

    private ServiceA myMock;

    private ServiceB mySpy;

    private ServiceC myClassUnderTest;

    void receive() {
         // test logic


I don't know about your test config because you didn't post it here, but I suppose you should use @MockBean instead of @Mock for PacienteService service .

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