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Pass Variables to SilkTest Workbench stw.exe from Command Line

Variables are not recognized

I hava a Silk Test Workbench.Net Script called Dummy

Public Module Main
  Public Test As String = "test"
  Public Sub Main()
  End Sub
End Module

I want to run stw.exe using Command Line and override the variable Test :

stw.exe -dsn silktest -username user -password password -script Dummy -variable "Test=hello world"

Following the instruction from the example for using stw.exe .

But the cmd return an error that said the variables are not recognized

The following variables were not passed into 'Dummy' as they are not recognized:

Any wrong from my code? Or is there any way to access the variables from.Net Script by command line?

You need to use a different function prototype for the Main() function that takes the arguments as a dictionary, for example.

Public Module Main
  Public Test As String = "test"

  Public Sub Main(args as IDictionary(Of String, Object)
    Test = args("Test")

  End Sub
End Module

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