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Fetching data with Supabase js and Next.js 13 returns an object (rather than array)

I am trying to fetch data from a Supabase table called "profiles" with Next.js 13 and the app directory. I am trying to take advantage of the new next.js fetching methods, my code looks as follows:

export const revalidate = 0;

  export default async function getData() {
    const { data: profiles } = await supabase
      .eq("is_host", true);
    return { profiles };

 if (!profiles) {
   return <p>No hosts found</p>

The problem is that this code seems to be wrapping the array returned from Supabase in an object.

The data returned looks like this:

"full_name":"Full Name",

When I use useState and useEffect instead, the data is returned as expected, and I can map through it.

Does anybody have an idea why, and how I can prevent that? Thanks in advance.

I worked it out, through a subsequent error, which I as able to solve thanks to the question I asked here and the helpful hints I got from there.

return { profiles };

Returns the array inside an object. By removing the {} I was able to fetch the array inside of it.

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