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Pyzbar does not recognize CODE-128 barcode

I am trying to read text encoded in barcode - I am using pyzbar like this:

from pyzbar import pyzbar
import cv2

img = cv2.imread("example/path")
barcodes = pyzbar.decode(img, symbols=[pyzbar.ZBarSymbol.CODE128])


It normally works, but in the last batch of barcodes that I have received, pyzbar cannot read them - output of pyzbar.decode is [] . There is one example:


I have tried to put it into online decoder and it decodes it just fine (it also says the barcode type is CODE-128). Anybody knows, how can I read it in Python, please?

This picture shows a lot of ringing (contours reinforced in black). That could be the reason for the failure. Try blurring the image before a read. Binarization also works seamlessly.



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