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How to configure thread names for multiprocessing.BaseManager instances

There's some usage of these BaseManager types in some code I'm debugging. https://docs.python.org/3/library/multiprocessing.html#multiprocessing.managers.BaseManager

from multiprocessing.managers import BaseManager

The log configuration for our process has the thread name expressed using the standard record attribute %(threadName)s .

This results in the typical indexed format you find in multithreaded log traces from threads that do not get names ascribed to them


Is there a way to get threads under a BaseManager to have their thread name specified?

Looking at the implementation for the managers.py source there may be something possible under the member _process , possibly through the _ctx entity

        # spawn process which runs a server
        self._process = self._ctx.Process(
            args=(self._registry, self._address, self._authkey,
                  self._serializer, writer, initializer, initargs),
        ident = ':'.join(str(i) for i in self._process._identity)
        self._process.name = type(self).__name__  + '-' + ident


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