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JUnit checking if the message thrown by an exception is either `stringA` or `stringB`

In my code I have some pattern like (I tried to simplified as much as possible):

import com.google.common.base.Joiner;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import java.util.Set;

public void funcSubSet() {
   final Set<String> setA = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c", "d"));
   final Set<String> setB = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("a"));
                               "The strings %s are present in setA but not in setB",
                               Joiner.on(", ").join(setA.stream()

Basically, this checks if setA is fully contained in setB . If not, throws an exception and prints the elements that are in setA and not be in setB (separated by a comma and a space). When I test it, the problem is that it output the strings not contained in setB in different order sometimes and the following test case fails occasionally.

             () -> funcSubSet()),
             "The strings b, c, d are present in setA but not in setB")

Sometime the output is like: "The strings d, b, c are present in setA but not in setB".

How do you I make it agnostic of the order? How can I tell hasMessage() or any other assertion that I accept more than one string? I checked and couldn't find anything.

I use JUnit 5!

If you can provide the sets to check from outside in your test (which I would recommend for a good code design and high testability), you can provide a java.util.LinkedHashSet<E> instead of a HashSet for the test. This class ensure the iteration order to be in the order of first insertion, so you get a predictable outcome.

If you cannot choose the actual Set implementation for your test, I would write the test a bit different:

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions;


// expect permutation of:
//The strings b, c, d are present in setA but not in setB

Exception thrownException = Assertions.assertThrows(Exception.class, () -> funcSubSet());

String message = thrownException.getMessage();

Assertions.assertEquals("The strings ", message.substring(0, 12), "message start");
Assertions.assertEquals(" are present in setA but not in setB", message.substring(19), "message end");
String variables = message.substring(11,19);
Assertions.assertTrue(variables.contains(" b"), "contains b");
Assertions.assertTrue(variables.contains(" c"), "contains c");
Assertions.assertTrue(variables.contains(" d"), "contains d");

With Assertions.assertThrows you could also expect a fixed String and work with the caught exception for further details. org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions is part of JUnit and does not need 3rd party dependencies like AssertJ.

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