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Fetching KeyVault values through App Configuration

I'd like to fetch both App Configuration and KeyVault values directly from IConfiguration. This is from a console application in.Net 7


var host = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder()
    .ConfigureLogging(a => a.AddConsole())
    .ConfigureHostConfiguration(config => config.AddEnvironmentVariables())
    .ConfigureAppConfiguration(config =>
    .ConfigureServices((context, services) =>
        var env = context.HostingEnvironment;
        var startUp = new Startup(env);
        _serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider(true); 

Extension Method:

public static void ConfigureKeyVault(this IConfigurationBuilder config)
    var settings = config.Build();

    var appConfigConnString = settings.GetConnectionString("AppConfig");
    var keyVaultEndpoint = settings.GetValue<string>("KeyVault:Endpoint");
    var kvOptions = new DefaultAzureCredentialOptions { ManagedIdentityClientId = settings.GetValue<string>("KeyVault:ClientId") };

    config.AddAzureAppConfiguration(options =>
        options.ConfigureKeyVault(x => x.SetCredential(new DefaultAzureCredential(kvOptions)));

With this setup, I can fetch my KeyVault keys like this:

services.AddScoped<IApiFactory, ApiFactory>(x =>
    var keyVault = x.GetRequiredService<IKeyVaultService>();
    return new ApiFactory(

But I would rather get my key's using IConfiguration, like this:

services.AddScoped<IApiFactory, ApiFactory>(x =>
    return new ApiFactory(


How can I fetch my KeyVault values from IConfiguration?

If you set up a key vault reference in Azure App Configuration, the secret retrieved from the key vault should be accessible from IConfiguration .

  • Make sure the key name (eg "SomeObj:ClientId") is the one that you set in Azure App Configuration instead of the secret name you set in Key Vault.
  • Make sure the configuration is built before you attempt to access it.

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