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SQL that returns the total products quantity for orders with a status of delivered (different two tables)

I want to get the total products quantity for orders with a status of delivered. How can I write it as a single sql query?


id order_id product_id quantity
1 100001 123456780 3
2 100002 123456781 1
3 100002 123456782 5
4 100003 123456783 2


id order_id order_status order_date
1 100001 preparing 2023-01-26
2 100001 prepared 2023-01-26
3 100001 delivered 2023-01-26
4 100002 preparing 2023-01-26
5 100002 prepared 2023-01-26
6 100002 delivered 2023-01-26
7 100003 preparing 2023-01-26
8 100004 preparing 2023-01-26
9 100001 returned 2023-01-27

The sql query below didn't work as expected. Because it doesn't look at the latest status of the order:

SELECT SUM(t1.quantity) AS total
  FROM table_1 t1
  LEFT JOIN table_2 t2
    ON t1.order_id = t2.order_id
 WHERE t2.order_status = 'delivered'

Result: 9 (3+1+5) This result is not correct. Because the last status of the order number 100001 was Returned, it should not have added the number 3 to the total. Correct result should be 6 (1+5).

There are two issues in your query:

  • You're not taking the latest record for each order_id. You can do such thing using the ROW_NUMBER window function, that assigns a ranking to each record of order_id ordered by order_date descendently (last order_date for each order_id has rownum = 1). Then you can filter on the rownum = 1.
  • You're using a LEFT JOIN , but you want only rows that can be found in " table_2 " and that strictly satisfy the conditions. You should rather use the INNER JOIN .
WITH cte AS (
                                ORDER     BY order_date DESC, id DESC) AS rn
    FROM table_2
SELECT SUM(quantity)
FROM      table_1 t1
INNER JOIN cte     t2
        ON t1.order_id = t2.order_id
       AND t2.order_status = 'delivered'
       AND t2.rn = 1

If you can't use common table expressions for some reason, an equivalent way of dealing with it is turning the cte into a subquery:

SELECT SUM(quantity) 
FROM       table_1 t1 
                                        ORDER BY date DESC, id DESC) AS rn 
            FROM table_2) t2 
        ON t1.order_id = t2.order_id 
       AND t2.order_status = 'delivered' 
       AND t2.rn = 1



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