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Can't figure out how to print the following outputs

I'm printing out lowest tax from my project, but I'm stuck on this problem. How can I change this output:

Income: 6100  
Lowest tax: 1540.0  
Income: 9000  
Lowest tax: 2340.0  

To this:

Income: 1000000  
Lowest tax: 150000.0  
Income: 6000  
Lowest tax: 1500.0  
Denmark Norway USA   
Income: -1  

Here is my code:

continue_input = True
income = 0

while continue_input :
    income = int(input('Income: '))

    if income < 0 :
        continue_input = not True

    # Canada   
    canada_tax = 0.26
    canada = canada_tax * income

    # Norway
    if income > 3000:
        norway_tax1 = 0.1 * 3000
        tax_left = income - 3000
        norway_tax2 = 0.4 * tax_left
        norway_tax = norway_tax1 + norway_tax2
    elif income <= 3000:
        norway_tax = 0.1 * income

    # Denmark
    denmark_tax = 0
    percent = 0
    for _ in range(int(income/1000)):
      denmark_tax += percent * 1000
      percent += 0.1
    denmark_tax += percent * (income%1000)
    # USA
    if income <= 1500:
        USA_tax = 0.12 * income
    elif income > 1500 and income <= 6000:
        USA_tax = 0.25 * income
    elif income > 6000 and income <= 10000:
        USA_tax = 0.38 * income
    elif income > 10000:
        USA_tax = 0.15 * income

    min_tax = min(canada, norway_tax, USA_tax, denmark_tax)
    print(f'Lowest tax: {min_tax}')

    if min_tax == canada :

    if min_tax == denmark_tax :

    if min_tax == norway_tax :

    if min_tax == USA_tax :
  1. You want to break out of the while loop immediately if income is < 0, so:

    if income < 0: break

  2. Delete the line print(min_tax) , it's printing min_tax an extra time.

  3. To put the country names all on the same line, do the following:

    if min_tax == canada :
        print('Canada', end=" ")

    if min_tax == denmark_tax :
        print('Denmark', end=" ")

    if min_tax == norway_tax :
        print('Norway', end=" ")

    if min_tax == USA_tax :
        print('USA', end=" ")


Adding end=" " to print() will prevent it from adding a newline. It will add a space instead.

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