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How do I find DOMAIN\accountname$ of a remote AD-joined computer?

I want to store a remote computer's account name in a variable in the DOMAIN\Accountname format (preferably DOMAIN\Accountname$ . I know the DNS name and samaccountname of the computer, and I want to run the script on a domain-joined computer (not a domain controller).

I cannot find any simple one-line approach to get the account name in that format. I can manually construct the string by concatenating the.NETBIOS domain name with computer name (samaccountname), but I was assuming there is an easier and more robust way of doing this.

So is there any built-in approach of getting the computer name in the DOMAIN\Accountname$ format without having to manually constructing the string? I assume that's common task.

You can also look at the environmental variables. For this question, I would do the following...

$strUserAndDomain = ((Get-Content env:userdomain) + "\" + (Get-Content env:username))

Then you can user the value of $strUserAndDomain whenever you want.

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