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Does local non-static variable get same memory address each time function/method is called?

I have made a fun called show() in it i have declared a static and a non -static variable; I am observing one thing that each time my non-static local variables are getting same memory address when i am calling it.

i just want to know that this happens always or it is just a coincident;

using namespace std;
void show()
  static int x = 10;  
   int y = 20; 
  cout<<"Address of y = "<< &y<< endl; 
  cout<< "x = "<< x<< " , y = "<< y<< endl;


int main()

  int x = 10; 
  cout<< x<< endl; 
  cout<< "len = "<< strlen("Kumar")<< endl; 

  return 0;

Out put of the program 
Address of y = 0xd01f5ffc6c
x = 10 , y = 20
len = 5
Address of y = 0xd01f5ffc6c
x = 10 , y = 20
Address of y = 0xd01f5ffc6c
x = 10 , y = 20

It's related entirely to your call stack.

I added this method to your code:

void foo() {
    cout << "\nCalled from Foo.\n";

I then called foo() from main() . My output:

-$ g++ Foo.cpp -o Foo && Foo
Address of y = 0x7ffc709566d4
x = 10 , y = 20
len = 5
Address of y = 0x7ffc709566d4
x = 11 , y = 20
Address of y = 0x7ffc709566d4
x = 12 , y = 20

Called from Foo.
Address of y = 0x7ffc709566c4
x = 13 , y = 20

As you can see, it moved.

You should take the time to learn about stacks and the stack pointer, and how C and C++ store local variables.

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