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ComVisible in C++/CLI

i'm converting C++ to C++/CLI and would like to expose some managed classes as COM objects. In C# it was easy and setting [ComVisible] & inheriting from interface (also ComVisible) did the job. However C++ project build as C++/CLI does not export DllRegisterServer.

Here is sample project (started from CLR Console Application project in VS 2008).

#include "stdafx.h"

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;

public interface class ITestInterface
    void TestMethod();

public ref class CliComClass : ITestInterface
        virtual void TestMethod() 

int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
    Console::WriteLine(L"Hello World");
    return 0;

When I run regsvr32 on output .exe I got error saying DllRegisterServer was not found. I've tried google for some help but with no success.

你需要使用TlbExp ,TlbExp是用于将托管类导出到COM的工具,它将读取程序集找到ComVisible类型并注册它们。

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