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Start Visual Studio programmatically; C# equivalent of VB's CreateObject(“VisualStudio.DTE.8.0”)

I can start a new hidden Visual Studio process from VBScript, and drive it programmatically, by doing this:

Set DTE = CreateObject("VisualStudio.DTE.8.0")

How do I do that in C#? ( Edit: using the correct types, not generic COM objects as used by that VBScript code.)

I've tried this:

using EnvDTE;
DTE dte = new DTE();

but I get "Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {3C9CFE1E-389F-4118-9FAD-365385190329} failed".

I found the answer (thanks to Sebastiaan Megens for putting me on the right track):

static void Main(string[] args)
    System.Type t = System.Type.GetTypeFromProgID("VisualStudio.DTE.8.0", true);
    DTE2 dte = (EnvDTE80.DTE2)System.Activator.CreateInstance(t, true);

    // See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms228772.aspx for the
    // code for MessageFilter - just paste it in.


public class MessageFilter : IOleMessageFilter
   ... Continues at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms228772.aspx

(The nonsense with STAThread and MessageFilter is "due to threading contention issues between external multi-threaded applications and Visual Studio", whatever that means. Pasting in the code from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms228772.aspx makes it work.)

I don't know how start a new instance of Visual Studio, but I use an existing instance by calling:

EnvDTE.DTE dte = (EnvDTE.DTE)System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetActiveObject("VisualStudio.DTE.8.0"); 

Maybe creating a new instance is something similar? Hope this helps a bit.



Microsoft souce code for VB's CreateObject.

    <HostProtection(Resources:=HostProtectionResource.ExternalProcessMgmt)> _ 
    <SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand, Flags:=SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)> _
    Public Function CreateObject(ByVal ProgId As String, Optional ByVal ServerName As String = "") As Object
        'Creates local or remote COM2 objects.  Should not be used to create COM+ objects.
        'Applications that need to be STA should set STA either on their Sub Main via STAThreadAttribute 
        'or through Thread.CurrentThread.ApartmentState - the VB runtime will not change this.
        'DO NOT SET THREAD STATE - Thread.CurrentThread.ApartmentState = ApartmentState.STA 

        Dim t As Type

        If ProgId.Length = 0 Then
            Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.CantCreateObject)
        End If

        If ServerName Is Nothing OrElse ServerName.Length = 0 Then
            ServerName = Nothing 
            'Does the ServerName match the MachineName?
            If String.Compare(Environment.MachineName, ServerName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) = 0 Then 
                ServerName = Nothing
            End If
        End If

            If ServerName Is Nothing Then 
                t = Type.GetTypeFromProgID(ProgId) 
                t = Type.GetTypeFromProgID(ProgId, ServerName, True) 
            End If

            Return System.Activator.CreateInstance(t)
        Catch e As COMException 
            If e.ErrorCode = &H800706BA Then
                '&H800706BA = The RPC Server is unavailable
                Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.ServerNotFound) 
                Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.CantCreateObject)
            End If 
        Catch ex As StackOverflowException
            Throw ex
        Catch ex As OutOfMemoryException
            Throw ex 
        Catch ex As System.Threading.ThreadAbortException
            Throw ex 
        Catch e As Exception 
            Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.CantCreateObject)
        End Try 
    End Function


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