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Faster search for files in Netbeans

Is there an existing plugin or tweak that speeds up the "Go To File" search in Netbeans ? Compared to Eclipse, Netbeans search is way too slow specially if one has multiple large size projects.

I know I can use CTRL + O for "Go To Type" but often I need to search for other file types like XMLs, property files etc. across thousands of files in multiple projects.

I installed the Quick Search plugin but even that doesn't search for non Java file types.

You can focus on the Project Tree and simply type the file name which you want to looking for. Press Up/Down to select if more than one file match your search.

Or use keyboard shortcut to open the search file form:

  • Windows/Linux :

Alt + Shift + O

  • Mac OS :

Control + Shift + O

在netbeans中搜索和打开文件的最佳方法 - 按CTRL + O并键入您要查找的文件名,它将搜索当前项目并列出匹配文件

我只能推荐使用Open File Fast插件http://plugins.netbeans.org/plugin/16495/open-file-fast


How to quickly find a file/files in netbeans. Maybe for someone it will be helpful.

  1. In Netbeans projects files view select some directory where you want to look for the file.
  2. Click ctrl + f to show the finder dialog
  3. Pass your file name into 'file name patterns' input
  4. In options set only 'Regular expression'
  5. The 'Containing text' input has to be empty

For Mac users

control + shift + O


Find file fast will your solution for find file faster just like sublime.. using the shortcut alt+shift+o

hope it will help

You can install the recent file list plugin

This plugin is not as powerful as the intellij but to simulate the same behavior (open the recent files with ctrl+E):

After install the plugin assign the Ctrl+E shortcut to the "Recent Files" action: Tools->Options->Keymap->Search "Recent Files" and assign Ctrl+E shortcut

Press Ctrl + Shift + H.

On the screen appear option scope . Click on this text-box and choose the project you want to find needed text snippets, or you can find all of the projects. I am using Netbeans 8.1 Best regard !

如果您只需要按文件名/模式搜索,那么我建议插件“快速文件搜索” http://plugins.netbeans.org/plugin/70267

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